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>Web3 Hacking Throguh CCTF Workshop

Web3 Hacking Throguh CCTF Workshop

Description: This is an introduction to web3 hacking and playing decentralized CTF games.
Six will explain you the basics of blockchain, solidity and how to submit a CTF flag to get a score in CCTF (
What is a flag? A valid and matching ECDSA signature that is generated from a private key which was hidden in a challenge. Detailed explanation and practice on the workshop

What you will learn:

  • Web3 basics
  • Solidity basics
  • ECDSA basics and generating keys in multi-directions
  • How to use CCTF’s smart contracts


  • Understanding of TCP/IP networking
  • Programming skills (Solidity is an advantage, but not requirement)

About the speaker

TBD later